What Are Some Of The First Aid Courses Available?

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When looking for a training center to train your first aid courses, one of the most important things that you must do is to settle for center which adequately meets your needs. Searching for such centers is not as complicated as it sounds if you know what you are looking for. Even more important is the specific first aid course that you would want to engage in. below are some of the courses that you could enroll in with additional information so that you know what to expect:

Basic first aid skills

Certainly one of the most fundamental first aid courses because it builds a foundation for the rest of the courses. This course covers an array of first aid techniques, and even more critically, how to act, at what time and for how long. On completion, the trainee will also receive CPR certification as this is one of the basic skills included.

Emergency first aid response in an educational setting (such as a school)

This is a more intensive course thanks to the scope of the intended setting. With schools for example, there is the aspect of many students, so this increases the probability of having cases to attend to. What better way to prepare for this by taking first aid courses? This course is broad and typically covers basic first aid skills, CPR, how to handle an asthmatic attack as well as how to deal with an anaphylactic shock.

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CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Perhaps one of the most popular first aid courses, CPR is intended to equip trainees with skills on how to perform CPR. It is very important that individuals know when to perform CPR as well as the frequency of the same in the event that an individual suffers cardiac arrest. At the end of the course, which usually lasts about 5 hours, you will be given CPR certification.


This course is often linked to CPR for the simple reason that when one uses an Automated External Defibrillator, abbreviated AED, the end goal is to correct the rhythm of the heart so that it stops being erratic. The end of the course allows trainees to get CPR certification. Some individuals will prefer to merge CPR with this first aid course to solidify their knowledge about these first aid procedures.

There are also available a number specialist first aid courses that are often tailor made to suit specific individuals or companies looking to buy first aid packages. They include the following:

–          Occupational first aid course is a course that is designed for individuals who have already undergone basic first aid training as this represents an advanced level of first aid training. Often, one will require first aid certification to be eligible for this course.

–          Remote first aid is one of the special first aid courses because it aims at first aid techniques provided in non-conventional situation.

–          Sport injuries are yet another specialist first aid course, and are ideal for health clubs, gyms and leisure spots.

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