First Aid and CPR Certification Locations

Obtaining a CPR or first-aid certificate in Canada can be a difficult and confusing process. Candidates can select from a number of providers including St Mark James, Vancouver First Aid Ltd., Heart and Stroke Foundation, and even St. Johns Ambulance. All of our training partners offer various levels of CPR training to partner with the certification course. All these providers boast that they offer premium awards and the best programs. The majority of the providers also have training partners which offer a variety of courses to participants. This website should help you in the registration process and selecting the right provider at the right cost.

First Aid Course Classroom
Come take a course with one of our high-end workplace-approved certification providers.

Out of all the providers in Canada, the leading provider in Canada is St. Mark James. They offer the most courses with the highest quality programs all over Canada. St Mark James providers typically offer the lowest prices and offer the best supplemental materials when compared to the other providers. Based on levels of service, convenient training centers, exceptional staff, knowledgeable instructors, and low prices we have partnered with several workplace-approved first aids and CPR training providers in Canada. All of these providers offer certified and up-to-date CPR and first aid certificates to candidates that successfully complete the program. These providers are located in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey, Edmonton, and Calgary.

Find a CPR Training Provider Near You

British Columbia





Nova Scotia

Registration with any of these providers is convenient and straightforward. Customers have a variety of options when registering for a  course to receive the right CPR and first aid certificates. Participants can register either through email, phone, or online registration. Either way is quick and convenient. Candidates can obtain the following first aid certificates through our training partners:

  • Emergency first aid certificates
  • Emergency childcare first aid certificates
  • Babysitting first aid and CPR certificates
  • Standard childcare first aid certificates
  • Standard first aid certificates

All of our training partners offer various levels of CPR training to partner with the certification course. All providers also offer training in the use of AEDs (automated external defibrillators) with each first aid course. All of our providers offer the lowest-priced certification courses as well as the highest quality programs. Register today and become certified in workplace-approved first aid and CPR training.