Getting a first aid certificate online can be very convenient. Those interested in training can attend classes on the internet, with complete video guides and lessons. Of course, this can save time, especially for people who do not have time to attend actual classes. One concern though that many people have when it comes to choosing an online program for first aid or CPR is whether they will get legitimate certification. This is a valid concern to have, because a lot of people take online classes only to find that the training was simply not valid. This often happens when to many people. In fact, if you sign up for first aid classes with a testing agency that is not certified, you might get unrecognized certification. To avoid this, it is advisable to choose accredited first aid programs. So, how does one know whether a particular online first aid program is authentic?
[youtube url=”” width=”420″ height=”315″]Well, first there are only four organizations that can help you get a legitimate CPR and first aid certificate in Canada. These organizations include St Mark James, St. Johns Ambulance, Heart and Stroke Foundation, and Vancouver First Aid Ltd. Be on the lookout for sites that are affiliated with these bodies. Such programs offer legitimate training. In addition, you will get certification that is recognized by most employers.
Keep in mind also that online programs for first aid are many. Some are suitable for health care practitioners while others are good for people with no medical skills. For instance, the CPR HCP certification targets health care providers that want to get the highest level of training for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. On the other hand, kindergarten teachers and babysitters might want to take up a Child Care First Aid course, while a general layperson would want to take a Standard First Aid course. Most first aid courses come with an accompanying first CPR component. There are also different CPR training levels, including level “A”, “B” and “C”. Therefore, make sure also to know which online first aid course is suitable for you.
Get a First Aid Certificate with Practical Certification
Any first aid certificate without practical training would not be good enough when it comes to finding work that requires first aid training. Therefore, you should be wary of online programs that offer academic or theoretical training without any practical lessons. Since online program save one time, it should not be a problem to attend offline classes when it comes to the practical bit. Of course, this is necessary if you want a valid first aid certificate. Hence, keep this in mind when looking for first aid classes online.